Learn about simple things we can do, valuable Library online databases and community resources, to help everyone to maintain a healthy mind and body during this challenging time together.
It is in Mandarin.
Venue: Virtual program with Zoom
It can be overwhelming to deal with the impact of COVID-19 on our daily lives.
it is important for everyone to stay safe and healthy at home – includes both body and mind. We will talk about some simple things that one can do, how to access valuable Library online databases and community resources that are available out there, to help everyone to maintain a healthy mind and body during this challenging time together.
Please ensure to have access to either home or desktop computer with microphone and webcam, smartphone or tablet. Everyone is welcome. Registration required.
To register, please call 778-656-0753 or email lu.qi@success.bc.ca
It is a partnership between Coquitlam Public Library and SUCCESS Tri-Cities Service Centre
Please ensure to have access to either home or desktop computer with microphone and webcam, smartphone or tablet. Everyone is welcome. Registration required.