Join artist and storyteller Andrea Fritz for a virtual author talk.
This virtual event is being live-streamed on Youtube, with a question and answer period following the author talk. You can choose to watch from home or visit the City Centre branch of Coquitlam Public Library to watch the live-stream with other fans.
No registration required, just drop-in.
To watch the livestream, follow this link: [livestream link will be published in May.]
For more information about this Tri-Cities Writers Festival event, email
ANDREA FRITZ is a Coast Salish artist and storyteller from the Lyackson First Nation of the Hul’q'umi’num'-speaking Peoples on the West Coast of Canada. Andrea strives to express her People’s history and all our futures using her art. She has had numerous gallery shows and participates in community-based art pieces. Andrea lives in Victoria, British Columbia.
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